This images here were all shot on a sunny February Sunday afternoon while sight seeing in Batam.
The sunken boat can be found close to a fisherman village in the neighborhood of Bengkong Laut.

I hired a cab driver for the day and he drove me to the old town on Nongsa beach. That's where I found the pier and a couple of boats. There were quite a few boats available to go visit the neighboring islands (Pulau Putri) with pristine white sand beaches.
I spend the late afternoon on the beach close to the "industrial" park on Nongsa beach. There were plenty of treasures to be found there.
Boats in all sizes, shapes and states and the light changes around the evening were quite dramatic.
I collected sufficient images to fill a coffee table book with the catch of that day ... maybe one day ...
Can't wait to go back there ... it's a different world ... different pace ... ;-)